What a lot has happened in that year. I had just set up some of my own classes in The Pottery Loft in Billingham, I was hovering around any craft shop I could find, usually The Range or Hobby Craft trying to promote my own business of selling cards, doing the classes and just generally talking to like minded people about crafting, I often used to get asked which was the best glue to use or how do you use an acrylic stamp, whats the best ink etc - and that was just when I was out shopping! Then I met Barbara Grey (the other one) we kept bumping into each other in The Range and she used to ask me advice on the best products to use, then it became silly because everytime I was in the shop she would appear or sometimes she would get there just ahead of me, never pre-arranged. So we decided we spend that much time together we may as well arrange to meet - she told me that Collectables were going to have a Docraft Demonstrater starting and we arranged to go. Well we couldn't leave we were so inpsired so we went to the next one and the next one, and we stayed all day, then we started to go to lunch with the Demonstrator and she told us about future plans and classes so we booked into them all. Guess who that demonstrater was! Annette Lee - can you believe I am now on the Design Team that she runs for Tom of SplodgeAway (or Mr Suzicraft). I secretly call Annette our BlogLady - not sure she would like that title though!?
I told Tom about how excited I was to go to Annette's demoes and classes and I told Annette about Toms vision and enthusiasm and we all ended up being part of the same team - but the main factor in all of this is Sue and Suzicraft - its not just a shop its a community, a place to craft a place to meet new people a place to nip in for a cuppa and buy all your Crafty Goods at the best price you will find anywhere! I wrote a peom about Suzicraft when I hadn't been going there long because I was so inspired by the shop and Sue and Tom - it now sits on the wall in the shop, I am proud of it but it took nothing to write because the essence of what Suzicraft is just popped out of the ink in my pen. So why not nip along on Saturday 15the September 2012 to http://www.Suzicraft.com to celebrate the shops 1st Birthday. you can read my poem, have a cuppa, buy some goodies and most of all your can watch Annette Lee, Maria Simms and Mr SplodgeAway himself demonstrating new products. There will be food and drink and a friendly atmosphere. AND I WILL BE THERE! Ok that might put you off but go along anyway!