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Sunday, 29 September 2013

Them that do and Them that don't!!!

 I think there is a big divide in this Country between Them That Do Craft and Them That Don't!!!  I don't understand people who don't have hobbies (how on earth do they keep themselves occupied) and they don't understand people who do (how on earth do they get their housework done?). There you have it - the big divide.
So when I say I NEED to get in my Craft Room please don't say "you can't spend every spare minute in there"!! 
 When I say I am struggling to focus my ideas and separate them onto different cards instead of piling too many on one card ! DON'T throw a load of YOUR  ideas at me TOO, it doesn't help!!!!

When I have some new DT work to do - PLEEEAAASSSEEE DON'T everybody suddenly decide they miss me and want to take me to lunch, the pictures, a day on the beach!!! I NEED to be in my Craft room, and last week when I was twiddling my thumbs thinking I NEED some people around me you didn't want to go to the pictures, for a meal or to the beach then did you!?
And when I show you a card and say "do you think this is good enough for TV"?  Its like that
"Does my bum look big in this"? question!!! I am not really looking for the answer from the bottom of your heart, I am looking for the RIGHT answer,
a simple "Yes its lovely" will do nicely thank you. 

And FINALLY please DON'T tell me to give myself a break from crafting, crafting IS my break - from life!!!!  
 I am sure my Crafty friends will understand and my non-crafty friends won't but hey,
 it needed to be said!!!
So I never blog without Eye Candy - but I don't have any because I am either doing private DT work or
by the time I do get in it I am falling to sleep.
on Face Book - Ssshh
So for this Blog's Eye Candy
  I will see if I can drag something up from the past???

This wasn't used, quite frankly the whole card looked a little weird.
However, I was really proud of it, I started with white card and
after about three hours of blending inks over and over from the Splodge Mat - to get a little depth and warmth
I produced this thing!!!! Well not just this, there is a lot more on the card!?.

This is one I made earlier on the Gelli Plate  but couldn't use because
it's not good to Hang! the Characters on your cards!

 Its OK not to leave a comment this is just my Crafters Blog - and I am not really letting off steam
 I am just pointing a few things out.

Keep Calm and Carry on Crafting - when you get a few un-interrupted hours that is!!!
Bye for now


  1. Morning Sam, you blog post did make me laugh! Congrats on your new craft role, enjoy and have fun! :-) why doesn't everyone craft or have a hobby??!! I love your sunshine flower but seriously three hours!!! I think I would have given up long since? Well NO actually because that's the mark of a true crafts persons determination! As for hanging Douglas I've seen it all now! Lol I thought my Mad Hatter Douglas was a character, boy he knows how to get around that chap and become all sorts of characters! Have a good week Sam xxx

  2. Enjoy Sam as we who craft know how to do....othe'sr go out spend money on booze or whatever mine is craft It's my stress buster. So I am off to craft in a bit and will chat to you later Fab flower by the way xxxx

  3. Great post Sam. Hubby loves that he gets encouraged to go diving when I need to spend time in my craft room!

    Don't jump Douglas! lol x

  4. Oh Sam so true. I always plan the days in my head ( not that it works out) and while I am doing housework etc hubby or the family are knowwhere to be seen. As soon as I say thats its craft time they all come out of the woodwork and want me to do things. so frustrating. lolx never mind we do seem to manage to come up trumps when required but doesnt it just seem sometimes that its more traumatic than it should be. After all its our hobby and escape.x The flower is gorgeous such happy colours.x

  5. Well i don't understand people who don't have hobbies either. Crafting keeps me sane. It is my de-stressor (not distressor). Your work is fab and i love it. I actually like the idea of Douglas hanging. It's my warped side coming out... oops. take care xx

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